BRAD-BIT is a platform for accurate, rapid detection and lifetime tracking of concussions and mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI). The system consists of the hand-held Brain Rapid Assessment Device (BRAD) and the Brain Injury Tracker (BIT) platform, together forming BRAD-BIT.

The BRAD hand-held device scans the eyes and applies proprietary technology for detection and early warning in the field within minutes.

The BIT platform is the mobile application and online infrastructure to take the data from EyeMarker devices to the next level. The mobile application connects to the EyeMarker device and provides immediate information about the concussion event along with a recommendation. The application then loads information from the EyeMarker device to the BIT online platform ready for full tracking across the lifetime of activities for the athlete.

Each scan captured from an EyeMarker device uploads images and data for the individual and provides a summary assessment. All scans from an athlete are aggregated and summarized for a detailed picture across different sports and activities throughout their lifetime. This information, with authorization, is viewed by the individual, doctors, parents, coaches, and anonymized for researchers. Raw images and videos are shared with doctors for any future determination of injury or lasting effects. The result is an ongoing record of any injury for diagnosis and treatment, and invaluable data for researchers.